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Baseline BTS: Dwyane Wade
Baseline BTS: Dwyane WadeBaseline BTS brings you behind the curtain to see what went into the supporting illustrations from The Baseline Review. Editor and Creative Director JP Boneyard shares his insights into the process. Next up is Dwyane...
Baseline BTS: Larry Bird
Baseline BTS: Larry BirdBaseline BTS brings you behind the curtain to see what went into the supporting illustrations from the Baseline Review. Editor and Creative Director JP Boneyard shares his insights into the process. Next up is Larry...
Baseline BTS: Magic Johnson
Baseline BTS: Magic JohnsonBaseline BTS brings you behind the curtain to see what went into the supporting illustrations for The Baseline Review. Editor and Creative Director JP Boneyard shares his insight into the process. Next up is Magic...
Baseline BTS: Bill Russell
Baseline BTS: Bill RussellBaseline BTS brings you behind the curtain to see what went into the supporting illustrations from The Baseline Review. Editor and Creative Director JP Boneyard shares his insights into the creative process. First up is Bill...